Friday, August 29, 2008

A little news story about a little baby

by Chris MaGee

Here's a little news story about a little baby, one drawn by anime master Hayao Miyazaki by way of a thank you. Miyazaki has created a new mascot for Koganei City a municipality in Tokyo where the Studio Ghibli offices are located. The currently nameless baby is dressed in a traditional red apron called a haragake, similar to the one worn by Baby Bo in Miyazaki's "Spiritied Away", on which is emblazoned the kanji "金" which translates to "gold", one of the kanji in Kagonei City's name "小金井". The drawing of the character was presented to the mayor of Kagonei on August 20th who currently is running a campaign to name the new arrival.

Thanks to Ghibli World for this news item.

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