Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ANNOUNCEMENT: “Sukiyaki Western Django” to theatrical release in Toronto on September 19th

by Chris MaGee

A few weeks back we announced that Takashi Miike’s “Sukiyaki Western Django” was getting limited theatrical releases in both New York and Los Angeles, but that a poster for the samurai/ western displayed here in Toronto at the Cumberland Cinema had me wondering about a Toronto release. Well, today Pow-Wow friend Andrew Mack has word over at Twitch that indeed “Sukiyaki Western Django” will be riding into town for a Toronto release on September 19th! No word as of yet as to which theatre will be screening the film, although my bet would be the Cumberland. Even though I thought that “Django” was a sub par film I’ll still most likely be heading out to catch it a) because we have to show support when Japanese films get a theatrical release, and b) with the news that the Cumberland is going to be demolished to make way for condos I want to take every opportunity to see films there while I still can.

In related “Sukiyaki Western Django” news the folks at SciFi Japan have posted detailed production notes from the film. Did you know that during large scale scenes Miike’s calls of “Action!” simply didn’t cut it, so he resorted to slapping on a cowboy hat and firing a rifle into the air to get the camera’s rolling? Neither did I, so make sure to read about that and more in these fascinating notes.

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