Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Death of Domomata" among ten films to get premieres at New York - Tokyo Film Grand Prix

by Chris MaGee

This is really exciting news. In April when the Pow-Wow blog was just getting on its feet we reported on Shutaro Oku's film "Death of Domomata", the story of an amateur production of Takeo Arishima’s 1922 play “Domomato no Shi” put on in a woman's rehab facility. I've been trying to follow what was going on with Oku's film all these months, but I turned up nothing. Nothing until now.

The New York-Tokyo Film Grand Prix Festival Part One will be screening "Death of Domomata" along with a nine other films in a stellar line-up at New York University's Cantor Film Center (36 East 8th Street) starting September 28th. NYTFGP08 is put on by New York-based event media production and marketing communications company, NYT, whose goal is to "tap into the creative cultural vibe between New York and Tokyo, media capitals of the world."

The ten film line-up also includes Izuru Kumasaka’s Asyl: Park and Love Hotel which won the Best First Feature Film Award at this year's Berlin International Film Festival, Taro Hyugaji's live-action adapation of "Grave of the Fireflies", Wang Yemin's Japan/ Taiwan co-production "Tea Fight" starring Teruyuki Kagawa AND Studio 4°C's "Genius Party"; but what's truly exciting is that this amazing line-up was selected by NYTFGP audience votes! It's really encouraging to see people voting for lesser known films like these instead of going for more of the same zany, extreme fare that usually makes its way to North America.

For more information on the fest check out the NYTFGP08 website here

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