Saturday, September 6, 2008

"The Sky Crawlers" takes home digital award at Venice International Film Fest

by Chris MaGee

Well, I guess I blew my proverbial photographic load running that pic from the Venice premiere of Mamoru Oshii's "The Sky Crawlers" yesterday, because there's bigger and better news on that front today. The Hollywood Reporter by way of Anime News Network has news that Oshii's alternate universe animated war drama beat out competition from 10 other films and has picked up the Future Film Festival Digital Award at this year's Venice International Film Festival. The award honours films that integrate cutting edge digital technology in their production, and having seen some of the dazzling computer animated dog fight sequences that have shown up online from "The Sky Crawlers" I can only say that I can't think of a better pick for this honour.

Congratulations to Oshii-san and his cast and crew!

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