Sunday, September 7, 2008

TIFF'08 REVIEW: Detroit Metal City - Toshio Lee (2008)

Reviewed by Matthew Hardstaff

Back in the 80’s, while I was still digesting Astroboy and Akira, Takeshi Kitano was hard at work making Japanese audiences laugh there asses off. Granted from time to time he still does, but those early years saw Kitano and his comedic genius in their prime. Or was it really his comedic genius? You see, there was a man, the man behind the man so to speak, who helped create some of the absurdist humour that we know only too well from that period, and that man, Toshio Lee, has finally made his leap into motion pictures. Could Toshio Lee, a man known for such insane comedic humour translate it onto the silver screen? And could he take an incredibly popular manga, and please its legion of fans and newcomers alike?

Detroit Metal City follows the rise of DMC aka Detroit Metal City , a death metal band fronted by Johannes Krauser II. He spews songs of hate, murder, rape, filth and depravity. DMC’s army of fans chant the lyrics ritualistically, believing Krauser is the true god of evil, who spends his time raping 10 women in one minute, ingesting any and all drugs, and killing his friends and family. But behind all the make-up and demon armour hides Soichi Negishi (Ken’ichi Matsuyama), a timid country boy with a mushroom hair cut who has aspirations of becoming a trendy pop star, singing songs that inspire people to dream, and living a trendy life in Tokyo. Ashamed of what he’s become, and refusing to accept that he’s actually good at it, he hides his true identity from his family, friends, and the girl he loves, Yuri Aikawa (Rosa Kato), a writer for a trendy music magazine who despises DMC and all things death metal, and who is also being wooed by a trendy local designer. As Negishi struggles to maintain some normalcy in his life, DMC’s foul-mouthed manager sends them on a destructive spree of national battle of the bands events, hoping to finally challenge Jack ill Dark (Gene Simmons), the reigning demon god of rock. Will Negishi hold onto his sanity long enough to challenge Jack, and will he win when he does?

Detroit Metal City is based on a rather simple idea and in the wrong directors hands could have quickly become a redundant and repetitive film, spoofing trendy pop culture and death metal music. But in the hands of Toshio Lee, the film becomes an utterly brilliant piece of mad cap cinema. Brilliant not just because of the numerous inspired zany set pieces, that climaxes in a showdown between Jack and Krauser, featuring a demon bull, Gene Simmons (who really isn’t that bad as long as he’s screaming) playing an electric guitar designed by Yoshihiro Nishimura and plenty of explosions. Brilliant not just because Toshio Lee instills it with a message, albeit a cheesy one, about inspiring people to dream. It’s brilliant because the real heart of the film, and the best reason to see it, is Ken’ichi Matsuyama’s performance. Not only does he switch with such ease between the vile, foul-mouthed Krauser and the socially awkward Negishi, sometimes in the same scene, that it’s completely inspiring, but he is a master of physical comedy. I don’t think you’ll laugh harder when seeing Negishi run, dance or play the guitar. At least I didn’t.

Read more by Matthew Hardstaff at his blog.

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