Monday, September 8, 2008

TIFF'08: Sony Pictures picks up Oshii's "The Sky Crawlers" for distribution

by Chris MaGee

The news on "The Sky Crawlers" front is coming fast and furious these past few days. First the technical difficulties at its screening at the Venice International Film Festival, then despite the fact that Asain films didn't snag any awards there this year Oshii's alternate universe war film took home the special Future Film Festival Digital Award for innovations in digital filmmaking. Now we have some news on the film from right here in Toronto.

Sony Pictures picked up the distribution rights for "The Sky Crawlers" even before it had a chance to screen on at this year's Toronto International Film Festival. Apparently the deal was finalized here the night before the North American premiere on September 5th. This means that anime fans in North and Central America and Australia and New Zealand should be seeing at least a DVD release of Oshii's latest in the upcoming months, but no word has yet been announced as to whether Sony will attempt any kind of limited theatrical run. Let's keep our fingers crossed...

Thanks to Variety Asia Online for the heads up.

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