Monday, September 8, 2008

Totoro Forest Project charity auction a resounding success

by Chris MaGee

In early July we ran a story about how Pixar story board artist Enrico Casarosa had organized a charity auction to raise funds for the Totoro Forest Foundation, a not-for-profit organization created by anime master Hayao Miyazaki. The goal of the foundation is to save the Sayama Forest, 8750 acres of woodland just outside of Tokyo. It was this forest that was the visual inspiration for the setting of Miyazaki's classic "My Neighbour Totoro."

Well, the charity auction of original artwork by Pixar staff took place on September 6th at the Pixar Animation Studios in Northern California and it managed to raise over $45,000 US to save this tract of woodland from development. Pixar head and longtime friend of Miyazaki, John Lasseter hosted the night and announced that about half of the artwork auctioned off will be on display at an upcoming exhibition taking place at San Francisco's Cartoon Art Museum between September 20th and December 7th.

Thanks to Anime News Network for the follow up story.

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