Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Behind the Pink Curtian films to be released by Pink Eiga

by Chris MaGee

Last month we reported how Jasper Sharp joined forces with Outcast Cinema's Marc Walkow to present four pinku eiga, or Japanese erotic films, at Fanatstic Fest. The programme called "Behind the Pink Curtian" was put together in conjunction with Sharp's new book of the same name that explores the history of Japanese sex cinema. From everything I heard from friends who attended the screenings in Austin the films were very well received. I was just a bit jealous that I couldn't get down there to catch them myself. Well, there's no need for me to be jealous now...

Newly formed distributor Pink Eiga has picked up the North American rights to two of the four films on the Behind the Pink Curtain bill: "S&M Hunter" directed by Shuji Kataoka and "A Lonely Cow Weeps at Dawn" directed by Daisuke Goto. Along with those they will also be releasing two other pinku eiga, Osamu Sato's "New Tokyo Decadence - Slave" and Mototsugu Watanabe's "Sexy Battle Girls" from which the above still is taken. Someone should tell that girl it's not nice to kick other kids in the bum... even if that other kid seem to like it.

The L.A.-based distributor is planning to have these titles available later this month or the beginning of November, but until then check out Pink Eiga's complete catalogue at their website, and while you're at it check out some YouTube footage of Jasper Sharp and Marc Walkow introducing both "S&M Hunter and "A Lonely Cow Weeps at Dawn" at Fantastic Fest as well as the trailer for the latter... but take note, the trailer IS NOT WORK SAFE!

Fantastic Fest Intro w/ Jasper Sharp & Marc Walkow

"A Lonely Cow Weeps at Dawn" trailer

1 comment:

  1. odd though, because although this started out looking just like a site putting up trailer to share with people, they're now clarifiying they're putting out DVDs - but without the kind of information that makes people certain how easily (and cheaply) they'll actually be able to put their hands on things. gives an unfortunately shakey feeling to the whole thing, which is a shame.
