Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Osamu Tezuka's old school gifted with Astro Boy statue

by Chris MaGee

This past Monday a two metre tall statue of Astro Boy has been unveiled at Ikeda Elementary School in Osaka. Why you may ask? Well, firstly to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the school, but secondly to honour the upcoming 80th anniversary of the birth of Astro Boy creator Osamu Tezuka who attended Ikeda Elementary as a child.

Tezuka attended the 80th anniversary of the school in 1988, a year before his death, and spoke of the importance of having a "love for nature and the preciousness of life." To continue that message the statue shows Astro Boy embracing the entire planet which bears the inscription "I love the Earth and all creatures on it". A plaque at the base of the statue elaborates: "I love all living things that inhabit this earth. I want to take care of life. I want to bequeath this love to the next generation." Not a bad thought to get you through a cold and gloomy Wednesday, huh?

Thanks to Anime News Network for this story.

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