Monday, October 13, 2008

Paco's Magical Picture Book is a hot seller at Japanese bookstores

by Chris MaGee

Tetsuya Nakashima's "Paco and the Magical Picture Book" has been riding high at the Japanese box office during its first four weeks in theatres, but it doesn't look like the film's success ends their. In a bit of brilliant cross marketing Japanese publisher Shufu to seikatsusha has released a facsimile copy of the magical picture book that Paco, played by young star Ayaka Wilson (above), reads in the film.

The first printing of the pop-up book "Prince Toad vs. Devil Crayfish" released in Japanese bookstores on August 29th has completely sold out and the publisher is scrambling to get a second printing out and into the hands of hungry consumers. Normally retailing for 3,990円 copies of "Prince Toad vs. Devil Crayfish" are going for as high as 15,000 yen in certain online auctions.

Kind of reminds me of those crazy days during the 80s when parents battled each other to get Cabbage Patch Dolls for their kids. Remember that?

Thanks to Cinema Today for the story.

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