Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chris MaGee stranded in Germany

by Chris MaGee

As many of you already know Marc and I have been in Frankfurt for Nippon Connection 2010. It was a great fest, but the plume of ash sent up by the Icelandic volcano has stranded me here in Germany. Marc's been lucky because he was heading over to Paris for some R&R after the fest. That being said we may be experiencing some delays here on the blog as I move from couch to couch in and around Frankfurt (on Nishikata Eiga's Cathy Munroe Hotes' couch at the moment) as I try and make it home. Keep your fingers crossed for me and for Marc next week. Either we'll get home or we'll change the name of the blog to the Frankfurt J-Film Pow-Wow!

Oh, and it seems I`ve been quoted here in Germany by Gary Siemund, the IT wizard behind Nippon Connection. I really do think blogging is the punk rock of the 21st-century!

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