Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Criterion DVD of "House" coming September 7th - or so says the New York Times

by Chris MaGee

Although the inclusion of Nobuhiko Obayashi's über-hot cult favorite "House" to the pantheon of films in the Criterion Collection has been the biggest open secret since Ricky Martin's homosexuality the question all along has been "When will it be released?" That question may have finally been answered by the folks at the New York Times. According to Criterion Cast (no affiliation with the Criterion Collection themselves) the newspaper leaked the release date for the psychedelically strange 1978 horror film recently. So when can eager collectors get their hands on "House"? Apparently the street date for the disc is September 7th.

So, yes, we've known for a long while that this disc is coming out, but the Criterion Collection are pretty good at keeping secrets. I'd take this info with a grain of salt until we get the official word, plus there's no word what the extras on the DVD will be. With it coming from Criterion you know they'll be impressive.

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