Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pow-Wow On Hold for 2010 Shinsedai Cinema Festival

by Marc Saint-Cyr

Some of you regular readers may have noticed that the Pow-Wow's news and reviews have come to a stop. The reason for this is simple and well-founded - recently, all of us have been very busy getting ready for the 2010 Shinsedai Cinema Festival, which, beginning today, will be showcasing some of the most interesting films to come out of Japan from independent filmmakers. Shinsedai is co-programmed by the Pow-Wow's Chris MaGee and Midnight Eye's Jasper Sharp, and will be held at Toronto's Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre. Reviews and coverage of the festival will be posted on the Pow-Wow, and readers can expect business to return to normal once it wraps up.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience, and keep checking in for updates!

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