Saturday, August 14, 2010

CONTEST WINNERS! "RoboGeisha" and "Alien vs. Ninja" at Toronto After Dark

We had one of the biggest responses to our Toronto After Dark givbeaway contest to see both Noboru Iguchi's "RoboGeisha" and Seiji Chiba's "Alien vs. Ninja" (above) at The Bloor Cinema. There was much debating as to who would win in a fight between a RoboGeisha and an Aien Ninja, but in the end there could only be four winners and here they are! Congrats go out to Venus Silva and and Jason Roy for winning free double passes to "Alien vs. Ninja" and Maya Carroll and Melissa Rak for winning free double passes to "RoboGeisha"! For all the rest of you out there get over to Toronto After Dark's official website, get your tickets and get yourself down to The Bloor this week for some great films!

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