Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gen Takahashi's "Confessions of a Dog" gets picked up by Third Window Films

by Chris MaGee

This was a piece of news that was very, very hard to sit on. All during this year's Shinsedai Cinema Festival both myself and Jasper Sharp knew that UK-based DVD distributor Third Window Films was in negotiations to buy the rights to Gen Takahashi's 3+ hour police epic "Confessions of a Dog". Takahashi was spending days working on the deal and myself and Pow-Wow staff writer Matthew Hardstaff were busy videotaping the post-screening Q&A session, panle discussion and a one on one interview with Gen Takahashi for a possible Third Window Films DVD release. Well, that possible release is now 100% confirmed.

On Friday Third Window Films President Adam Torel finally announced that a DVD of this controversial and engrossing police drama will be getting released in early 2011. What's even better is that the extras that Matt and I worked on will be included in the package, so this will definitely be a relase packed with extras!

You can read more about this exciting acquisition at Third Window Films, and to get just a taste of what is fast becoming one of the biggest buzz films on the international film fest circuit check out the trailer for "Confessions of a Dog" below.

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