Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Vexille" director Fumihiko Sori to adapt role-playing game "Dragon Age" to the screen

by Chris MaGee

Does that painting above get your inner teenage geek heart beating? If it does then you'll like this news story. According to Anime News Network ypou'll be seeing much, much more of this kind of old school fantasy roleplaying goodness courtesy of none other that Fumihiko Sori. If Sori's name doesn't immediately ring a bell then think of the 2007 CGI anime "Vexille" and you'll immediately know who we're talking about. The 46-year-old director has signed on to helm a feature film version of the BioWare action role-playing game "Dragon Age" for the folks North American distributor Funimation. There is, at least thuis far, no indication if this film will follow along the lines of "Vexille" and be an animated feature or will have Sori continue in the vein of his female Zatoichi film "Ichi" with more live-action sword-centric adventures. Funimation is one of the biggest ditributors for anime in thye U.S., but it is also the DVD distributor for "Ichi", so this could either way, but what we do know is that "Dragon Age" should be released by the end of 2011. More on this sword and sorcery epic as news leaks out.

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