Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The J-Film Pow-Wow news from around the web - Gen Takahashi interview and superb short

by Chris MaGee

The Toronto J-Film Pow-Wow is a group effort. The blog and the events that we're involved in wouldn't be the same... hell, they wouldn't happen if it wasn't for the five of us bringing our different perspectives, talents and film tastes to the blog on a weekly basis. That's why I wanted to bring a couple of posts online by Pow-Wow writers Marc Saint-Cyr and Bob Turnbull to you attention.

During this year's Shinsedai Cinema Festival Marc was asked by festival co-programmer and co-director Jasper Sharp to interview "Confessions of a Dog" director Gen Takahashi (above). With the release of "Confessions of a Dog" coming in the first quarter of 2011 from Third Window Films in the UK Midnight Eye has posted Marc's interview with Takahashi. Gen as he likes to be called, is a fascinating man so make sure to check out Marc's chat with him here.

Meanwhile Bob Turnbull is on the eve of going viral! Bob's blog Eternal Sunshine of the Logical Mind is a visual feast for film lovers with Bob taking special care to post gorgeous stills from the films he reviews. He jokes he does this because he can't write (with is utterly untrue), but now Bob has taken his visual talents to a new level - the short below titled "Any Colour You Like". It brings together clips from various films (including quite a few Japanese films) arranged by colour. It's a dead simple idea that results in a fascinating visual journey. Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Why is Gen Takahashi seated in front of the building mecha from "Robogeisha"?
