Friday, January 14, 2011

J-Film Pow-Wow's Chris MaGee goes from blogger to teacher with upcoming film course

by Chris MaGee

If there's one thread that runs through all the writing and film programming I do is that I want to share my excitement and love not only for where Japanese film is and where it is going, but also the rich cultural history that has shaped and informed the cinema of Japan and how Japanese film has defined the last hundred plus years of Japanese society. So when I was approached by my Shinsedai Cinema Festival colleague and Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre Executive Director James Heron about the possibility of teaching an introductory Japanese film appreciation course at the JCCC here in Toronto it took me about two seconds to consider the offer. Of course... I said yes!

With that in mind I am very proud to announce that I'll be teaching Japanese Film Appreciation: From 1896 to Today at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre here in Toronto starting on Wednesday March 16th and running until May 11th. Not only with this course cover the progression of Japanese film from the introduction of motion picture technology to Kobe in 1896 to today's most promising film-makers, but we'll be looking at these 115 years of Japanese cinema history through the wider context of late 19th, 20th and early 21st century Japanese history as a whole.

The very best thing about this course is that it's cheap! Only $113.00 CAD for 8 weeks (we'll be skipping one week at the end of may while I head to Frankfurt for Nippon Connection) and that final class will be all of us settling into the JCCC's Kobayashi Hall and watching a film (exact title TBA). That's the same venue where the annual Shinsedai Cinema Festival is held, so big screen and big sound is guaranteed. Also the $113.00 enrollment fee includes a year-long individual JCCC membership so you can enjoy not only the beautiful facilities of the Centre, but also enroll in other courses and get first pick for other great events. (If you're lucky enough to already be a JCCC member then this film appreciation course will only cost you $70.00 CAD + HST.)

To enroll in Japanese Film Appreciation: From 1896 to Today all you need to do is call the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre at (416) 441-2345 with your credit card information or visit the Centre at 6 Garamond Court on or before March 9th, 2011. Looking forward to seeing all of you in class so we can explore Japanese film together!


  1. Hi Chris,

    What day of the week and time will your course be held on? Looks very interesting!


  2. Hi Julian,

    The sessions will be every Wednesday night starting at 7:00PM. Hope to see you there!
