Saturday, January 29, 2011

Studio 4°C to re-boot 80's series "Thundercats" for the Cartoon Network (?!?!)

by Chris MaGee

I don't think we've ever lived in a more recycled era, at least in terms of popular culture. Every song is a re-working of an older (and often better) song, every fashion trend is just a outfit dug out of the back of someone's closet and films... well, we continue to suffer through every re-boot, sequel and re-imagining of past cinematic successes. There's yet another example of the mercenary (or nostalgic) resurrection of a classic property, but this time with some very impressive help.

According to a report posted at Anime News Network Studio 4°C is currently working on a new animated re-boot of the 1980's kids TV series "Thundercats" for the Cartoon Network. Now, I grew up in the 80's and even I had to do a little refreshing to remember that the series centered around a group of alien feline humanoids who are battling their evil counterparts from the planet Plun-Darr, but beyond the usual question of "Why?" there's the added question of "Why Studio 4°C ?" The answer to that isn't that complicated. Studio 4°C is one of the most creative and bankable animation studios going at the moment, and they've already helped produce a slew of U.S. series such as "The Animatrix" and "Batman: Gotham Knight". They've also produced such groundbreaking animated films as "Genius Party" and "Mind Game", which brings me back to asking "Why waste your time on re-booting 80's cartoons when you could be bringing us more genius films like those?"

Have your say in the comments as to why you think Studio 4°C is getting "Thundercats" ready (money) and whether you think this is a valid move (money).

1 comment:

  1. "Why waste your time on re-booting 80's cartoons when you could be bringing us more genius films like those?"

    They are doing these shows so they can make the shows that we like.....and it probably doesn't interfere with the interesting productions anyway.
