Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Omnibus film "Quirky Guys and Gals" comes to DVD by way of Third Window Films

by Chris MaGee

You know a DVD label is truly successful when people begin to get excited about its releases months in advance and buy up every DVD that rolls out on to store shelves (or online as the case may be). For the longest time this level of recognition was something only enjoyed by the venerable Criterion Collection, but one indie label is fast becoming the go to company to get great new films from Japan. That company is of course Third Window Films. Company president Adam Torel has done an amazing job amassing a catalogue of well known contemporary classics (Kamikaze Girls, Love Exposure) as well as the work of up-and-coming film-makers (Kakera, Lala Pipo). It was during this past week that Third Window announced their latest acquisition -- a film that brings together some veteran talent with some of the best new film-makers from Japan.

Coming soon from Third Window will be the omnibus comedy "Quirky Guys and Gals", and that title pretty much sums up the four stories brought to the screen by the makers of "Fine, Totally Fine", "Happy Darts", "Okan no yomeiri" and "Survive Style 5+". The segments in the films range from Yosuke Fujita's “Cheer Girls” in which a trio of girls create cheering routines for individuals instead of sport teams to Gen Sekiguchi's “The House Full of ‘Abandoned’ Businessmen” in which a woman takes pity on out of work salarymen and begins to collect them in their own club.bringing all these stories to life is a cast that includes the likes of YosiYosi Arakawa, Aoi Nakamura, Tenkyu Fukuda, Misako Renbutsu, Kyoko Koizumi, Tomochika and Tetsuji Tanaka.

UK DVD buyers, as well as us lucky folks with region free DVD players, can look forward to picking up "Quirky Guys and Gals" from Third Window on October 3rd (get more info on the film here. To get yourself ready for the release check out the film's trailer below.

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