呪怨2 (Ju-On 2)
Released: 2000
Takashi Shimizu
Yuuko Daike
Makoto Ashikawa
Kahori Fujii
Taro Suwa
Running time: 76 min.
Reviewed by Bob Turnbull
Silly and bordering on nonsensical, Takashi Shimizu's fourth "Ju-On" film (not counting any of his American remakes) is still a brilliant study in tension and atmosphere. Even when that wig starts crawling...
The film is not so much a sequel as simply a reuse of the concept behind the previous films, but with different characters. The "grudge" that lives on in the house is still in place - it was born from the murders of a wife and her son at the hands of a raging husband. The two victims now exist as ghosts and seek vengeance on anyone who sets foot into the house. Without exception. Shimizu also stays with his use of fractured timelines and crossing story lines. Though needlessly confusing at times, it's wholly effective in setting up moments later in the film where you realize both what has already happened and what is about to happen. Combine this with the spooky sound elements used throughout (I can't emphasize how well thought out and subtle the sound field is used in all of the Ju-On films) and a good mix of both subtle and jump scares and you've got yourself a highly entertaining horror film.
Your enjoyment of the film will depend somewhat on how much you want to simply roll with it though...Along with the chopped up stories, the ghosts are less and less consistent in not only how they finally attack their victims but also when. Some get it quite soon after being in the house while others manage to avoid their fates for days, weeks or even months. For me it's all forgivable because of the creativity brought to the haunting and death scenes. Whether it's Toshio popping up in the oddest of places, subtle movements in the background, huge faces appearing in windows or that black hair inching its way into the frame, it's different every time. Further, the film adds humour to the mix by bringing things like photocopiers, audio equipment and, yes, wigs into the arsenal of the ghosts. You may start out laughing at the ridiculousness of some of the situations, but just as you get comfortable with that break in the tension your laughter may quickly turn to "oh crap..."
And that makes for one highly entertaining horror film.
Read more from Bob Turnbull at his blog.
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