Tuesday, August 10, 2010

CONTEST: Win FREE passes to see "RoboGeisha" and "Alien vs. Ninja" at Toronto After Dark!

We are only a few days away from the 5th annual Toronto After Dark Film Festival here in the city, and that means there are more than a few Japanese film fans who are getting very, very excited. As we reported earlier the reason for this is that After Dark is premiering not one but two of the biggest buzz Japanese genre films of the past year here in Toronto - Noboru Iguchi's "RoboGeisha" and Seiji Chiba's "Alien vs. Ninja". Now Toronto After Dark and the J-Film Pow-Wow want to give you a chance to see both of these films during the fest which runs from August 13th to August 20th.

We have two free double passes for "RoboGeisah"screening on Sunday, August 15th at 7:00PM at The Bloor Cinema, and two free double passes for "Alien vs. Ninja" screening on Monday, August 16th at 9:45PM also at The Bloor, and we're asking a ridculously easy question for folks to enter. All you have to do to win one of these free double passes is to head to our Facebook group and write the answer to this quetion on the wall of the group...

Who do you think would win a fight between a RoboGeisha and an Alien Ninja? (**Please give a one sentence reason backing up your choice!)

And that's it! You have until Thursday, August 12th at 6:00PM to post your answer on the wall of the Facebook group, your name gets put in a hat and winners will be announced this Friday! Good luck and we'll see you at Toronto After Dark!

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