Saturday, August 14, 2010

Edmund Yeo re-imagines Yasunari Kawabata again with his trailer for "The White Flower"

by Chris MaGee

Here's a story that really got lost in the post-Shinsedai shuffle and I've been meaning to post something about it since the festival wrapped. Malaysian-born, Tokyo-based director Edmund Yeo has been a friend of the J-Film Pow-Wow for a good long while now, so Edmund, please forgive me for the late post!

As many regular readers of the J-Film Pow-Wow know Yeo has been slowly but steadily adapting the micro-short stories collected in Nobel Prize-winning author Yasunari Kawabata's collection "Palm-of-the-Hand Stories". Yeo has already made the breathtaking short films "Love Suicides" and "Kingyo" (read Marc Saint-Cyr's review of the latter here), and now he has recently released a trailer for what is now the third in a trilogy of Kawabata adaptations "The White Flower". Once again Yeo lush visuals are front and center in this retelling of the story of a romance that takes place in a hosptial between a doctor and his female patient.

Follow the link to Twitch who have the trailer for "The White Flower" embedded... and enjoy!

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