Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Strange collectible of the year - a Tadanobu Asano doll?!

by Chris MaGee

Things have been so damn busy in the past couple months that I haven't had much time to do my random wanders through the interweb looking for cool and or odd Japanese film related content. Just today I was searching around or info on Tadanobu Asano (why I can't really say) and low and behold what do I come across? The neatest and strangest collectible I've seen in a long time!

Yes, that photo above is real - it's a Tadanobu Asano doll! It is or was put out by a company called Toys McCoy and according to the packaging it's the "Official Action Figure". I mean, Asano is popular, but popular enough to have an action figure (and one with such nice striped pants!)? And it's going for as much as $800.00???

This is just confusing, but in a very good way. To see another shot of this must have collectible just click here.

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