Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Spotlight on strange: Takashi Taniguchi

If you’re like me you relish that head scratching, “What the hell was that?” feeling, so when I stumbled across these shorts on Youtube I knew I had to get them up on the blog. What can I say? I laughed, shook my head in disbelief and then immediately hit the net looking for details, but when I was stymied by the lack of English resources I turned to my blogger in arms Starsweeper (a.k.a. Catherine Munroe Hotes) for help. Cathy’s a specialist in alternative and underground (see: not anime) Japanese animation and she runs a fantastic blog Nishikata Film Review and of she really came through with info on the man behind these films.

23-year-old animator Takashi Taniguchi was born in Fukuoka and started making films in 2004; and it’s been a one man job. He writes, animates and provides all of the voice talent (as you can easily hear) for all of the characters. His work has been featured on NHK, at the Only Pictures Film Festival in Japan, as well as our very own Toronto Japanese Short Film Festival.

So, once again, thanks to Starsweeper (Cathy) and The Pow-Wow is proud to present a new breed of superhero “Salaryman-Man” along with “The Forest Ando” the story of what happens when the forest denizens believe that one of their own, Ando the Penguin, is actually a human! (Sorry, no subtitles on these, but the general meaning gets across.)


Cathy Munroe Hotes said...

I'm so glad you've taken an interest in more offbeat anime, Chris! I should tell you that the best blog for Japanese alt anime is Brett Ettinger's anipages at http://www.pelleas.net/aniTOP/ He has an incredible knowledge of the Japanese animation industry and highlights the work of a lot of artists who are usually neglected in English language blogs. I have been indulging in guilty pleasures of late (shojo anime & manga), but I am working on a blog entry on Maya Yonesho (an experimental animator who works in Vienna & Tokyo) that I hope to post soon.

Chris MaGee said...

Thanks, Starsweeper! I'm open to anything and everything coming out of Japan... except shojo anime (Kidding! Well, not really...)

I'm still learning about experimental and underground animation, but I'm hoping to share what I learn with folks on the blog here. I think that once someone online brings something a little out of the ordinary to the general public's attention it's not long before someone picks it up and hopefully makes it available on DVd in North America. Here's hoping...

Unknown said...

so, the person in this link is not the same person that you are talking about?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takashi_Taniguchi

because most of the people in youtube the animator and director of these animations passed away.

Unknown said...

...because most of the people in youtube think that the animator and director of these animations passed away.