Saturday, March 29, 2008

Jasper Sharp's new book "Behind the Pink Curtain"

News today from Midnight Eye's Jasper Sharp that the hard work on his new book "Behind the Pink Curtain: The Complete History of Japanese Sex Cinema" is finally at a close! It's going to be released this June by FAB Press. It "takes the reader on a wild joy ride deep into the hinterlands of Japanese culture, society and radical politics by way of the weird and wonderful world of the Pink Film and Roman Porno genres."

Personally I can't wait to take a look at this one... and not for the reasons you think! Geez... you people have your mind in the gutter! Jasper has been a real inspiration to me to start the Pow-Wow and has been a real support to the group, so that's one reason, but I also find it interesting how a country's pornography can reveal so much about a culture, good, bad, or otherwise. Come June I hope to have a review of this one for you.

For now check out the link to FAB Press:

1 comment:

Executive Koala said...

I hadn't heard anything about this until I read this post, that is amazing news! I can't wait for June.