Friday, September 11, 2009

Weekly Trailers

Abashiri Ikka: The Movie - Teruyoshi Ishii (2009)

Based on Go Nagai's manga "Abashiri Ikka: The Movie" follows the adventures of a family of gangsters led by Kikunosuke, a sword-wielding high schooler played by Erika Tonooka. She and the rest of the family must battle against villains who have implanted them with violence suppressing chips, but if this trailer is any indication these chips don't work very well.

A Tale of Sorrow and Sadness - Seijun Suzuki (1977)

Nine years after Seijun Suzuki was fired from Nikkatsu for making what they viewed as the nonsensical "Branded to Kill" he returned to feature filmmaking with "A Story of Sorrow and Sadness". It's tale of a fashion model turned golf pro and her relationship with a female stalker didn't make many waves at the Japanese box office, but its keen look at the perils of celebrity culture makes it all the more meaningful today.

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