Saturday, February 5, 2011

Weekly Trailers

Mahoro Ekimae Tada Benriken - Tatsushi Omori (2011)

Tatsushu Omori, the man who shocked audiences with his film "The Whispering of the Gods", has seemingly mellowed with his upcoming film "Mahoro Ekimae Tada Benriken". Eita and Ryuhei Matsuda star as a pair of benriya, or odd job men. Their random interactions with a series of clients (a prostitute, student, etc.) forms the backbone of the film. "Mahoro Ekimae Tada Benriken" is scheduled for release in Japan on April 23.

The Cherry Orchard - Shun Nakamura (1990)

Director Shun Nakamura adapts Akimi Yoshida's manga "Sakura no Sono" to the screen. The students of the Oka Girl's Academy mount a production of Anton Chekov's classic play "The Cherry Orchard" to mark the anniversary of the school's founding and the experience touches each of the lives of its cast.

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